Tuesday, April 14, 2009

named jack chapter 1

Oo helo~!

Ari ni nak story bout a love story.. J cambesh..this is a story about a guy name Jack. First of all, Jack is not a good man. He luvs to cigar and he is not that kind of religious person. But he is kind hearted. Jack seorg peramah dan senang di dekati. Tp tidak pandai untuk memulakan perbualan. Especially dgn ppuan. Jack xpernah bercinta. So, what is the point here? Easy to say, he is not ready for any commitment. Apa yg pelik disini, jack sering dijadikan tempat utk berbincang pasal love oleh teman2 nya. Seolah2 jack ni mmg hebat dlm soal love nie. Dengan senyuman, jack xpenah jemu berkongsi mslh dgn kwn2 nya. Itulah jack.

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