Wednesday, April 15, 2009

chapter 2 "Named Jack"

Ok next, lemme tell about this person. She is girl. She is the main character in this lovely story. :P she came from kampong and very not up to date person. She don’t know how to apply neither make up nor lips gloss to her face! My god… what kind of girl who don’t know how to make up. Ops, before I forgot, her name is Garden. Garden and Jack are vice versa. If Jack is not a religious person, Garden is not. Garden is very loyal to her God. May god bless her? If you want to know how beauty she is, you have to believe me, for the first time you look at her, the first thing you want to do is to say hi. And everyone does. Sampai mcm tu skali tau. Sume org nak kenal dgn dia. Sapa nama dia, kat mana dia tinggal, dah ada bf ke belum? Suma org dok tertanya2. Tp apa yg menarik, dia ni sgt pendiam. She has a low self confident. Poor girl.

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