Friday, February 13, 2009 good!

Salam..hari ni aku balik.aku dah kehabisan sumber kewangan.dgn adanya diri ku di shah alam,boleh la aku pau duit bapak n mak aku.hehehe.

You know what, I can't imagine myself sitting along my friends in the class, doing some assignment. for god sake, i hate to study in the class. Especially in the BM115 class! i fall in love with LIB the first class I attend, we have to conduct an interview. i was soooo happy because we have to leave the class because we must go to the carnival and talk with the hawkers. In order to complete our task, we ask them a few questions. Zety, Izyan, Adie and Hafiz were my comrades. i love to talk with people, we learn how to greet,approach people correctly."Assalamualaikum,puan.wah,x menang tangan nampak."that is how i greet the owner of Sup Ekor Stall."waalaikumsalam dik.nape ni dik,dtg dgn buku lg ni.mcm wartawan je." for the rest of conversation, no need to put in.

One thing I don’t know about masscom is, we have to wear formal clothes for our presentation. Not only me, but the whole class don’t know about that! Actually we supposed to present our assignment on Wednesday. Mr. Fazlul was upset about we have to present our assignment next week.

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